Change Your Thoughts

Think positively and change your thoughts or mindset to a new way of thinking about something in order to improve your wellbeing and get things done.

Image: Bloom - Space Velvet

You are what you think. You cannot think negatively and have unlimited success. If you think negatively about business and finances [or leisure and relationships, or whatever else you want to change or improve in your life], your subjective experience will be a lack of both, whether or not that is true in reality. Discipline your mind towards the goals of what you want your productivity to look like and start putting the effort in right now to get there. Keep in mind that suffering over your own suffering doesn't work. Know the negative thought patterns you hold which require change and be deliberate in changing them.

8 Ways to radically increase your productivity - The Globe And Mail

Split macOS In Two

I wonder if Apple should split macOS into two separate operating systems, instead of simply making macOS touch capable. Make one OS for touch operated MacBook laptops with touchscreens, and one for mouse operated Mac desktops with monitors.


  • Split macOS in two, maybe renamed MacOS and MacBookOS
  • Like current iOS and iPadOS, MacOS and MacBookOS have similar apps
  • Make MacBookOS a touch first UI for laptop MacBooks, and later iPads too
  • Keep MacOS a mouse first UI for desktop Macs, and also iMacs and servers
  • Force allow all iPadOS and iOS apps to work only on MacBookOS, but not MacOS
  • Make any iPads that are 11" or larger and all MacBooks both use MacBookOS


  • iPads become more powerful by having the full power of MacBookOS
  • MacBooks become more useful with touch iPad and iOS apps on MacBookOS
  • iPads and MacBooks come with powerful MacBookOS, giving people option
  • People have option of the all-in-one MacBook laptop or modular iPad tablet
  • The most popular segment of "portable computers" are merged into one OS
  • Apple Vision replaces the iPad as an entertainment device that can do work too

Keep A Log List

Keep a dated list of tasks and projects you have completed, because looking back on your achievements provides a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

Image: Future Farms - Sam Chivers

There's something to be said for seeing how much you've gotten done at the end of the day. You know how satisfying it is to cross out items on your to do list, and then look back at the list to see everything you completed? A "done" list, or "anti-to-do list" as Marc Andreessen calls it, works in a similar fashion: you simply take note of each thing you get done during the day. Start out with the date and just list your "done" items underneath. Not only will this help you review your productivity at the end of each day and make you feel better about what you got done, but it can be really useful to keep around as a work log. You might want to look back in weeks or months to come to see what you were working on or how long a project took to complete.

Clever uses for plain text files that can increase your productivity - Lifehacker