Letters & draws to make humans happier
Personal Letterist β€’ Praiser β€’ Being
Object Illustrator β€’ Logoist β€’ Artist

Huliatt - Building An Identity

Hey Huliatt. Here are some practical ideas to help build an identity, which you might consider.


  • Affirmations - Write down and read positive thoughts and ideas of what you want to be.
  • Hobbies - Write down different hobbies you enjoy doing, separate from your work role.
  • Goals - Write down a list of goals, activities, and things you want to achieve or do.
  • Tasks - Write down 3 tasks you want to do today or tomorrow, in the morning or evening.
  • Journal - Write down your thoughts on things, as well as things you are grateful for.
  • Health - Exercise, eat healthy, don't smoke, meditate to improve your brain and body.


  • "Sow a thought, and you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit; Sow a habit, and you reap a character; Sow a character, and you reap a destiny"
  • "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit."
  • When reading the first quote, you might replace character with identity, a synonym.
  • You might replace excellence too, maybe with growth, wellness, happiness, character.

xkcdHatGuy - Isolation In Post-modernity

Hey xkcdHatGuy. Here are some of my thoughts on your thoughts in "Isolation in post-modernity".


  • I am likely wrong about all of this and it's written tersely and impolitely
    • So take my thoughts and suggestions with a grain of salt and read between lines
  • Well said, people being afraid to talk about politics and ideas makes sense
    • So only talk about political and societal ideas with friends who would like to do so
  • Here is one video talking about people's inflexibility on society and policy ideas


  1. People all find it difficult to make and keep close friends and partners
  2. People don't care about someone's work in general, in your case your ideas on society
  3. People want to be happy and have fun, not talk about ideas or policies for living
  4. People do form relationships to get something from someone else, as you said
  5. Being yourself is authentic, but might not make someone likeable, friendly, or popular
    • So decide when you want to be yourself, and if or when to try and fit in with people
    • Ego - Bibi Bourelly
  6. We feel happiness doing what we want, and being of service and useful for society


  • It's dangerous to try and really connect with someone. It's so special when you can find a person you can be yourself with. - Halt and Catch Fire

Isolation in post-modernity - xkcdHatGuy YouTube